Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Video

    2. Download your course program

    1. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria for Service Standards of a Retail Store

    2. 142103001-KM-02-Learner Work Book Managing Service Standards : Self Study Guide

    3. Watch a video from your lecturer on Managing Service Standards

    1. Introduction to Principles of customer service and service standards

    2. KT0101: The function and purpose of customer service

    3. KT0102: Customer service as a competitive strategy

    4. KT0103: Customer service principles and standards in a retail store

    5. KT0104: Areas of customer service in a retail store

    6. KT0105: The concept of “Moments of Truth” and principles of managing “Moments of Truth”

    7. KT0106: The concept of quality and the impact of quality on the customer’s perceptions of service

    8. KT0107: Legislation impacting on customer service in retail

    9. KT0108: Concepts and principles of dealing with dissatisfied customers and the impact on the store of not doing so correctly

    1. Introduction to Health, safety and house keeping

    2. KT0201: The concepts of health and safety in a retail business

    3. KT0202: Health and safety and housekeeping legislation impacting on a retail store and the importance of compliance

    4. KT0203: Principles and generally accepted standards of cleanliness and neatness of a retail store

    5. KT0204: Principles and generally accepted standards of Health and Safety in a retail store

    1. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria for Stock Control in a Retail Store

    2. 142103001-KM-03-Learner Work Book Stock Control in a Retail Chain Store : Self study Guide

    3. Watch a video by your lecturer on stock control

    1. Introduction to Concepts and principles of logistics and the supply chain

    2. KT0101: The product flow from source to customer

    3. KT0102: Generally accepted measures of stock performance including stock turns, days cover, weeks supply

    4. KT0103: The impact of logistics and the supply chain on stock availability

    5. KT0104: Generally accepted methods of retail chain store managers influencing the supply chain in order to improve stock availability in the store

About this course

  • 68 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content