Course Price: R5,500 (Incl. VAT)

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Get ready to uncover how successful brands are built and communicated to the marketplace.

This up-to-date course introduces you to Strategic Brand Management principles and gives you an in-depth understanding of what goes into creating and managing a brand.

  • 6 Weeks

    Course content is broken into manageable modules and interactive activities that help you apply your knowledge.

  • Study Online in Your Own Time

    Study online from anywhere in the world, in your own space, at your own pace, guided by our industry experts.

  • Practical and Industry Aligned

    Constantly updated and tailored for marketing professionals in all shapes and forms.

What’s inside this Strategic Brand Management course?

This course is perfect for those wanting to learn how to build a meaningful brand strategy. Branding is an integral part of marketing, and business as a whole, and this course will get you up to speed.

  • 20 lessons

  • 1.5 hours of video content

  • Support from tutors that work in the industry

Course Curriculum

Here is a breakdown of what's included in this course:

  • The foundation of Strategic Brand Management

    Learn about:

    The concept of branding itself, Brand Equity, Brand Identity as well as Brand Architecture and why it is so important.

  • Brand positioning and brand contact management

    Learn about:

    The concept and process of Brand Positioning, how to choose the right brand elements to build Brand Equity. You will also learn about Brand Touchpoint Management as well as Internal Marketing.

  • Managing brands over time

    Learn about:

    Managing brands over geographic boundaries and market segments as well as how to build global customer-based equity. In this section you will also learn about brand acquisition and divestiture.

  • Designing marketing programmes to build brand equity in a digital world

    Learn about:

    New and upcoming perspectives in marketing, the importance of integrated marketing, key issues for branding in the digital era. Social media marketing and measurement will also be covered.